41 Hahah-el Haha-el Hehehe[-el]
41. Triunus Deus (El Dios de la Trinidad);
הֵהֵהֵ (Hey hey hey) - HeHeHe
יְהוָה - הַצִּילָה נַפְשִׁי, מִשְּׂפַת - שֶׁקֶר: מִלָּשׁוֹן רְמִיָּה. - תהילים פרק קכ: ב
Salmos 120: 2
Vulgata latina: 120:2 Domine libera animam meam un labio mendacii a lingua dolosa
King James Version: 120:2 O HaShem, deliver my soul from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue.
Hebrew phonetics 120:2 Adonay hatsiylâh naphshiy misephath-sheqer millâshonremiyyâh
Español 120:2 Libra mi alma, oh Yod He Vav He, del labio mentiroso,
Y de la lengua fraudulenta.
הֵהֵהֵאֵל HeHeHe EL Hahahel - contra los impíos, calumniadores. Regula el cristianismo. La grandeza de alma, de la energía. Consagrada al servicio de D-os.
Influencia de tiempo de las 13:21 a las 13:40 del 10 de octubre hasta el 14 de octubre inclusive
HAHAHEL. Su atributo es D-os en tres personas. Se corresponde con el nombre divino sagrado de Gudi en la lengua de los irlandeses.
Correspondiente al ángel llamado Chontare, bajo la influencia de Júpiter.
Él gobierna sobre los siguientes días: 29 de abril, 10 de julio, 20 de septiembre, 1 de diciembre, 11 de febrero.
Este ángel, y los que siguen, hasta el 48, pertenece a la quinta orden de los ángeles. Coro de las Virtudes. Se invoca a este ángel de 1:20 pm hasta las 1:40 pm, sirve contra los enemigos de la religión, los impíos y calumniadores.
Al meditar con ese nombre conectas con el poder de los antiguos sacerdotes para curar todas las esferas de la vida, incluyendo problemas de salud, dificultades financieras, y lo relacionado con los conflictos.
El lado negativo de este ángel influye sobre los apóstatas, los renegados y todos aquellos que deshonran el sacerdocio a través de su comportamiento escandaloso.
41 Hahah-el Haha-el Hehehe[-el]
41. Deus Triunus (The God of Trinity); "
הֵהֵהֵ ( Hey Hey Hey ) - HeHeHe
יְהוָה--הַצִּילָה נַפְשִׁי, מִשְּׂפַת-שֶׁקֶר: מִלָּשׁוֹן רְמִיָּה. - תהילים פרק קכ :ב
Salmos 120: 2
Vulgata latina: 120:2 Domine libera animam meam un labio mendacii a lingua dolosa
King James Version: 120:2 O HaShem, deliver my soul from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue.
Hebrew phonetics 120:2 Adonay hatsiylâh naphshiy misephath-sheqer millâshonremiyyâh
Español 120:2 Libra mi alma, oh Yod He Vav He, del labio mentiroso,
Y de la lengua fraudulenta.
הֵהֵהֵאֵל HeHeHe EL Hahahel - Against the impious, slanderers. Governs Christianity. Greatness of soul, energy. Consecrated to the service of God.
Influence time and dates 13:21 - 13:40 10th October until the 14th October inclusively
HAHAHEL. His attribute is God in Three Persons. He corresponds to the holy divine name of Gudi in the language of the Irish. His ray commences from the 201st degree up to the 205th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty first decade and to the angel called Chontare, under the influence of Jupiter. He rules over the following days: 29th April, 10th July, 20th September, 1st December,11th February.
This angel, and those who follow, up to the 48th, belongs to the fifth order of angels, which the Orthodox calls the Choir of Virtues. One invokes this angel from 1:20pm till 1:40pm, He serves against enemies of religion, the impious and slanderers.
This angel rules over Christianity; he protects missionaries and all the Disciples of Christ, who announce the words of the Scripture to nations; he influences pious souls, prelates, ecclesiastics and all those related to the priesthood.
The person born under this influence distinguishes himself by his greatness of soul and his energy; he is completely devoted to the service of God and does not fear martyrdom for Christ.
By meditating with this name you connected to the power of the ancient high priests of the temple to heal all areas of life including health problems, financial difficulties, and relationship conflicts.
The negative side of this angel rules over apostates, renegades and all those who dishonor the priesthood through their scandalous behavior.
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